Employee Assessment Is Crucial For The Organizations

Employees are the pillars of the organization. They are the ones who give shape to founder’s mission and vision of the organization. In other words, great companies are made of its employees and not of buildings, brands or infrastructures they are known for.

Having great employees with necessary skill sets is not an easy job for any company. But there are companies who have known how to recruit best employees and train them at different stages to perform to the best of their ability and help organization move to the next pedestal

Employee’s performance matters a lot for an organization. Hence, employee assessment while recruiting or at regular intervals or in some cases continuous learning becomes very important for the organization.

What is Employee Assessment?

Employee assessment is evaluation of an employee. It is performed for various reasons like recruitment, appraisal, Skill enhancement and leadership development.

The evaluation process becomes critical at times; it is about being honest so that employees can work around their strengths and weaknesses. It is the job of an HR professional that everything goes smoothly which has a positive impact on the employee.

1. Plan Well

Planning assessment sessions are very important. Plan it in way so that you do not miss on the sections that tests crucial skills of the employee to meet the actual on job requirement. You need to prepare a checklist that will help you push all the relevant questions you want to ask in a test.

2. Be clear about the goals

As a leader you need to keep focus on all the goals and objectives of the organization and familiarize your employee with the same in a distinct manner. This will align them with the job they are entrusted with. The clearer an employee be of the goals, the more likely he will achieve them. Goals should always be divided into parts and employees should be asked to achieve them one by one. Don’t ask them to make any rush, give them sufficient time. This will increase his productivity and build his confidence.

3. Transparency plays the trick

 It very important to convey the idea of the assessment to employees in very candid way and also explain the benefits its going to entail for both the parties- employee and the employer. Also let them know this is going to help them improve and increase their productivity. Also brief the employee about the skill gap and the plan to cover them up. This helps employees to bridge the gap in a positive manner. Transparency plays the trick here.

4. Maintain consistency

 Learning is a continuous process and one becomes successful if he continues to learn. Same goes with the assessment. Its plays reverse learning role. Employees keep learning by assessing themselves and timely chip in of training sessions also fill the

Try to maintain focus mainly on the competencies and skills of each employee to give you a further grip on the road of being consistent. This way it becomes easier for you and the system remain free of bias and is fair to everyone.

5. Focus on Learning and Improvement

The end goal of conducting any assessment session should be increasing the learning and skill sets of the employee. After each assessment session ask their feedback on the learning or new insights they get out of it. Also ask them to give candid feedbacks on learning opportunities being provided by the company. This should be a two way conversation and constructive outcomes should be there. Organization should adopt good feedbacks and arrange for training that would help employees learn and increase productivity.

6. Discussing the Future

Before concluding the session, make sure to prioritize what future work you and your employees will be doing. How it is going to affect both the organization and the employee and how much of a positive impact it will have.

Furthermore, give your employees the confidence that you are on their side and will always help them to excel in their career further. This will boost their morale, elevate their motivation levels, and increase engagement.

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